Happy Full Harvest Moon.

A very special moon for me as 4 years ago my beautiful Orange Moon Cat George turned up on my doorstep and created a whirlwind of change. Life was never the same again! I’m feeling the same kind of energy going with this moon.
The full supermoon lands at 6º Aries at 10.58 exact this morning - the sign of self - I AM. Who are you and how do you express yourself. Time to think about what it is you want from life and how you will go about it. Aries is fire - it asks you to be assertive. Stand in your truth and pave your way forward YOUR WAY not the highway. This is the last full moon before eclipse season as we enter a turbulent period of change. Eclipses bring death and rebirth - things are never the same after this season.
The lovely thing about this moon - is that it is unaspected. No other influence is tapping into the strength of the fire. What we can take from that is that Aries is in full control and so are you. I’m feeling themes of destiny and fate and that we are asked to step into pure alignment with self without interruption from others and walk our own individual path. There is a purity in this moon. A healing and cleansing where we step into our power and take a turn for the fork in the road that suits us best. By tapping into our heart energy we are able to deeply understand our purpose and be a powerhouse of pure driven energy, with passion and fire pushing away all the old limitations that we have imposed on ourselves. This is an upgrade and it is tuned specifically to the frequency of you.
Venus is square unpredictable Uranus in the sky. Change is the theme - expect the unexpected. Maybe opportunities will come knocking on your door. Mars is hovering close to the South Node burning away old habits and repeating patterns that no longer serve our best interests. The universe is releasing you from your self imposed chains and giving you the opportunity to be reborn.
Embrace this energy - you have done a lot of work and releasing over the retrograde period. It’s time to look at the future straight ahead with clear focus. Nothing can hold you back now. It’s time to shine!
with love
The OMC 🌙🦁
MOON GARDENING (f u l l m o o n)
Go outside and howl at the moon. It’s going to be beautiful tonight so just be out there and enjoy it. The garden is fine.