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Full moon in Cancer 🌕

The first full supermoon of 2025 sits in the watery sign of cancer - the moons own feminine temple. Next to her is Mars in retrograde as she welcomes him also into her home. Mars has made us look back at what it is we need to feel supported and loved. Mars and the Moon here together are holding our hands to guide us through. This is a strong and powerful moon that is full of drive and will and focus. Mars helps give the energy of action whilst the Moon explores and gives reason to take it. In a sextile to Uranus an electric spark is fired opening portals and possibilities. Uranus wishes for us to be free.

The potential in this Moon is that of healing. It is putting our vulnerability on the table and exposing our raw emotion. Enabling us to explore and examine our own emotions and needs in a different light. By examining our inner desires the moon makes a trine to Neptune which is supportive rather than fogging the way and is urging us to tap into inner wisdom in order to find the way through and fulfill our soul journey by selecting the right path. Dream hard and work through the possibilities available - digging deep to find the urge and emotion that is compelling us on this new way. For you knew this was what you wanted ~ however it may not have been clear as to why it was so necessary. A light is being shone into the crevices and revealing something deep and buried that needed to surface in order for you to action this with a renewed sense of purpose and meaning. This is incredibly healing. We are asked to release old patterns of behaviour that we repeat over and over again that were built in response to deep hurts and made us build a solid wall around our heart. It is time to clear that away and be open and honest not just with other but with ourselves. By building walls we alienate ourselves and create a state of loneliness and isolation. This stops us from allowing ourselves to be the most authentic version possible as a closed heart and a closed mind will only lead to the same walled road that has no end in sight. As human beings we are compassionate and emotional and loving. But we must allow that in. Yes we need to feel safe but we must break out of the self imposed prison and be able to accept in order to be able to give.

‘No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of they friends’s or of thine own were. Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind.’

John Donne 1624 Devotions

This January moon is also known as the Wolf Moon. Wolves are associated with feminine energy which is so fitting for this cancerian moon. The wolf brings out our primeval instinct to nurture and care for our packs as well as our inner wildness and answering the call of our soul’s yearning. So close old doors and heal the old wounds. Chiron is in a square to the moon helping our healing journey. Facing the memories and facing our fears and trusting in friends, family and loved ones to help us through. The sun in steady Saturn ruled Capricorn will help bring structure and order to the dream. You can make a start even if you are not sure where the journey will end. But allow the connections to flow and allow the emotions to overflow. Let go and decide to begin again. Set yourself free and run with the wolves.

Sabian Symbol for the full moon. Cancer 24 - A woman and two men on a bit of sunlit land facing south. This is a symbol of the soul’s necessary decisiveness in the basic allegiances of life, here emphasised in the terms of practical or everyday relations. There must be a mediation between the competing demands for immediate attention to various transient needs, and for some consistent or over-all goal which will bring an individual’s efforts into a cohesive pattern. The inner capacities must be disciplined continually for the sake of a plethora of outer opportunities. The keyword is INCEPTION. When positive, the degree is an unusual gift for organising and exploiting the self’s potentials, and when negative, a devastating sense of ineptitude and estrangement from reality. [The Sabian Symbols in Astrology - Marc Edmund Jones].

If the clouds allow and part in the skies you will see Mars aligned near the moon. It is at its brightest in the sky this time of year as perfectly opposing the earth and the sun so its fiery glow is beautiful to see.

Wishing you a beautiful and healing full moon.

May it help you kickstart your dreams.

With much love


The OMC 🌙

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