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Full Moon in Taurus

Happy full supermoon in Taurus! This moon packs a punch as the last supermoon of the year. A big spotlight is being shone on the areas of our life that need to change. Finding out what what needs to go, what no longer works and gives us an opportunity to use obstacles as stepping stones to reach a higher goal. Uranus is the instigator here being conjunct the moon by a degree. Uranus is the great awakener. It is an erratic planet that doesn’t play by the rules. It even spins sideways in rebellion announcing its uniqueness and standing out from the crowd.

So Uranus wants change and Taurus hates change being a fixed earth sign. Taurus loves routine in fact it’s a bit of a stick in the mud and keeps us where we feel safe and comfortable. It can be resistant to new ways. This is a sudden jolt out of the comfort zone. Uranus is unexpected and turns your world upside down. Uranus rules static electricity and so therefore the nervous system. So Uranus is going to shake all that fixed resistance up and pivot us into a new way.

A new path though usually leads to better things - the irony is at the time it doesn’t feel that way as this is uncomfortable and hard energy to work through. This is a new fork in the road. A deviation but a good one. But to make you go down that road you need to trip up first. Diversions lead to moments of realisation. It shakes us out is slumber and wakes us up to the areas of life where we have become too cosy, too set in our ways and working in a way that is actually to our detriment. This is all great awakenings and self improvement. Ding moments and emotional endings. Where do we hold ourselves back? Are you getting in your own way?

Earth and water signs may find this a positive move but fixed signs may face an uncomfortable transit. But discomfort is just getting us out of a zone. Dissolving resistance and highlighting stagnation. It’s clearing. For there is so much change to come and we must be shaken and tumbled😬.

In other news but so so relevant - later today Saturn stations direct in Pisces. Saturn loves structure and will help us create new structure in our lives. Pluto is getting in its last few minutes of the final Capricorn degree dissolving the old and getting ready for an exciting new era in community minded Aquarius. Mercury is in shadow and about to turn retrograde. An opportunity here to go over and review the last few months and again tweak to improve.

Next year the outer planets will change signs. Uranus will move into Gemini. Pluto into Aquarius. Neptune into Aries and social planets Saturn into Aries and Jupiter into Cancer. So many planets entering new signs is like a clean slate of fresh energy to work with. Remember full moons are endings and completion. So we are making space for all this new energy to come in. It’s like clearing out the closet of all your old clothes as you can’t fit new ones in if it’s stuffed full of ones you don’t wear!

The Full moon is exact Taurus 24º opposite Sun in Scorpio 24º. Look for these degrees in your chart as you will influenced heavily if so. Taurus and Scorpio will feel this the most today. Keep emotions in check, things may frustrate and people may trigger.

Remember this is an amazing opportunity to actually manifest. When we step into a space that is unfamiliar territory magic starts to happen. We start to create and dream and build a whole new foundation to build on.

So happy full moon. Keep grounded and calm and ride the storm. There a shining light at the end of the tunnel - we may not quite see it but we must be reminded that it is there 💫

With much love





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