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New moon in Capricorn šŸŒš šŸ

Tonight sees the new moon at 9Āŗ in the steady and solid sign of Capricorn. As the second new moon in December this is known as the black moon and its power is potent. Capricorn I would say is a much misinterpreted or misunderstood sign. Associated with rigid structure being Saturn ruled and in mundane astrology the corporates, the establishment and government. However Capricorn is not just the goat but the sea goat whose tail is of a fish that is dipped in the sea of unknown dreams and is able to take those dreams and transform them into solid reality. A new moon brings new intentions and new goals. This is a time to dream the dream and really think about what it is that you wish to create in a New Year that is only just around the corner. Capricorn is cardinal earth energy - this is go getter stuff. Consider your intentions and set them carefully, as you have a mountain to climb to discover the new horizons - but it will so be worth the effort.Ā 

Saturn in Pisces is the ruler of this moon and in a square to Jupiter who wishes us to create a new world - enlarge the possibilities and aim high in our aspirations. However Saturn is a disciplinarian and pulls back the over enthusiasm - and questions well how are you going to do that then? For without structure and plans many dreams fall lost at our feet. This is a lesson in mastery. It is about getting the end results through a steady and structured climb rather than instant gratification that lasts moments until we move on to the next thing. Serious stuff this as itā€™s about our long term goals and not quick whims. The achievement is of determination and willingness to tread our own path no matter what obstacles are laid in the way. Ten steps forward two steps back, but all roads lead to the same end - the enjoyment of this is in the journey and the satisfaction one can look back on when completing it. Each step is done with intention and through this we find freedom and our own personal rainbows.

The new moon itself is unaspected - for once we have no hard squares or oppositions so it acts like a lone wolfā€¦ and maybe that is what we need to do too - act alone and for once be selfish in our manifestations. Even though we are still in the thick of celebratory times and connecting with friends and family over the festive holiday it is definitely worth taking a step back and time out to think and ponder the New Year incoming. The astrology for the next year is explosive, expansive and full of change. Focus will be needed to navigate and there may be hurdles to be jumped but if we set strong, realistic and achievable goals with a thorough and step-by-step plan of how we can achieve them - then only the sky is our limit! Follow that rainbow and use this portal of potential to really manifest your dreams tonight. šŸ”®

With much love


The OMC šŸŒ™

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